
Is Bariatric Surgery Right for Me? A Sacramento Surgeon’s Guide to Weight Loss Surgery

In Sacramento, CA

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Obesity is a growing epidemic worldwide with millions struggling to manage their weight and health. In Sacramento, many residents are turning to bariatric surgery as a solution to their weight-related health issues. Afterall, many fail to realize obesity is in fact a disease and bariatrics was designed for people suffering from this disease.

If you have been considering whether bariatric surgery is right for you, this comprehensive guide will provide insight into the various types of weight loss surgeries available to you (Gastric Bypass, Gastric Sleeve, and other potential weight reductions surgeries). As a Bariatric Dr in Sacramento, I’ve helped 1,500 plus patients achieve their weight loss and health goals through personalized care and support.

This will be the 1st of a 4-part series guiding you through every consideration when it comes to bariatric surgery. This series will arm you will all the essential information helping you determine if the bariatric journey is the right path for you. 



What is Bariatric Surgery

When you search for a basic definition of bariatric surgery, you’ll likely find something along the lines of: ‘A procedure to reduce the size of the stomach to help those who are extremely overweight lose weight.’ While technically accurate, this description barely scratches the surface of what bariatric surgery and comprehensive bariatric care truly encompasses. To better understand its impact, we must first start exploring what bariatrics actually means…

Bariatrics - The branch of medicine that deals with the study, treatment, and prevention of obesity.

As you can see bariatric medicine is way more than just an operation. The surgical application of bariatrics involves specific surgical operations we will cover later in this article. These operations are reserved for people suffering from the disease of morbid obesity and who have a long history in failed attempts at losing the weight through other means. However, the surgery itself is just one small portion of bariatric care. A top of the line bariatric center will guide you in nutrition, exercise/movement, behavior, sleep, and psychological aspects in order to create lasting changes and improved health.

‘The latest studies suggest people suffering from morbid obesity may only have a 3% chance at losing the weight and keeping it off long term without the aid of bariatric care and bariatric surgery.’

Bariatric surgery, also known as weight loss surgery, reduces the size of the stomach altering the digestive system, gut flora, hormonal response to food, along with countless other incredible metabolic implications for the body. Bariatric surgery and weight loss surgery helps individuals feel fuller sooner, therefore consuming fewer calories on a consistent basis becomes an easier task. This empowers people to feel more in control of their decisions around food, instead of the food controlling them.

With that said, I suggest you only receive bariatric surgery from a center with a vast and in-depth bariatric care program. Bariatrics is far more than just surgery; it’s a holistic approach to resolving obesity and its related health issues. As I stated before, true bariatric care combines medical, nutritional, psychological, behavioral, sleep, and surgical care to address the root causes of obesity and support long-term changes, unlocking sustainable and lasting weight loss.

Bariatrics provides patients with continuous support to help them build healthier habits and achieve lasting life transformations. The goal isn’t just weight loss - it's about improving overall health, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, enhancing quality of life, and ultimately keeping the weight off for life. In this sense, bariatric surgery is just one tool in a comprehensive, multidisciplinary bariatric treatment plan.

If you need help in deciding how to choose the best bariatric surgery program in Sacramento, El Dorado Hills, Folsom, or any of the other surrounding areas in Sacramento read our article here:


6 Key Factors for Choosing the Best Bariatric Surgery Center

If you've been searching for Sacramento weight loss surgery, you have likely come across terms such as gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, and bariatric sleeve procedure. These terms refer to specific operations that offer different approaches to achieve the same goal: sustained weight loss, transformed health, and a better life. Let’s go over those now.

Types of Bariatric Surgery

There are several types of bariatric surgery available. Your decision should be based on your unique health profile, and the guidance of a trusted bariatric Dr here in Sacramento. Below are the 2 most common types of surgeries performed in the US today.

Gastric Sleeve

The gastric sleeve operation has quickly become the most popular forms of bariatric surgery in the United States. This WLS sleeve surgery accounts for 60-70% of all bariatric operations in the US today. It involves removing a portion of the stomach, leaving a ‘sleeve-like’ structure. Naturally, this limits the amount of food you can consume and helps promote long-term weight loss. However, there are also many other metabolic changes happening on a cellular level due to the changes in gut flora and your hormones.

More and more patients are seeking the gastric sleeve operation as it is generally simpler compared to more invasive procedures. This procedure is often the best for patients who are not currently suffering from GERD, (This is a bit of an over simplification and you should always defer to your doctor and what they think is best for your specific situation). This procedure can sometimes make GERD worse. On the contrary, the next operation we are going to cover can often resolve GERD completely.

Gastric Sleeve patients typically lose between 60-70% of their excess weight within 12-18 months.

Example: If you are 200lbs overweight you would on average lose about 120-140lbs within 12-18 months. (Remember this is highly dependent on your lifestyle changes in nutrition and exercise)

If you would like to learn more about the gastric sleeve gastrectomy visit our sleeve surgery page:

Gastric Sleeve


Gastric Bypass

A gastric bypass not only creates a smaller stomach pouch - significantly smaller than that of a sleeve gastrectomy - but also reroutes the small intestine to limit calorie and nutrient absorption. This procedure is more complex than a gastric sleeve but can sometimes lead to 5-10% more weight loss (However, your lifestyle and health decision will make a much greater difference than the type of operation you receive).

Gastric bypass patients typically lose between 70-80% of their excess weight within 12-18 months.

Example: If you are 200lbs overweight you would on average lose about 140-160lbs within 12-18 months. (Remember this is highly dependent on your lifestyle changes, nutrition, and exercise)

If you would like to learn more about this the gastric bypass visit our gastric bypass surgery page:

Gastric Bypass


Other Bariatric Operations

While there are other types of weight loss surgeries, we're socusing on these two because they are the gold standard in bariatric surgery, with the longest track record for safety and efficacy.

To illustrate the popularity these bariatric operations in the United States compared to others, check out the pie chart below.


Now that you have a better understanding of your bariatric surgical options, how can you determine if you are a candidate for bariatric surgery? Also, if you are a candidate, what does the preparation for weight loss surgery even look like?

You are in luck, because this is exactly what we go over next in Part 2 coming soon, stay tuned!


We also gathered a few more resources that may help support you in your decision or give you more information on the journey ahead. You will find the resources down below.

Have you already done research online, but simply want to speak with the most experienced Bariatric Surgeon in Sacramento? We have some more information below about the best no pressure and informal way to do just that.

Thank you for reading. More importantly, thank you for allowing us to be one small part of your journey towards a new life!


About the Author:


Dr. Steve Patching

  • Bariatric Medical Director | Advanced Robotic & Bariatric Surgeon
  • 1st Bariatric Center in the US Certified by ASMBS
  • Former Chief of Surgery
  • Bariatric Center of Excellence
  • Founder, The Bariatric Wellness Program

Should You Seek Bariatric Care

Are you still having a hard time understanding if bariatric care is right for you? The first thing to remember is you do not need to make the decision on the surgery now. Do not let any center make you feel pressured. This is not a sprint, and it should go at the pace you are comfortable with not theirs. Right now, it’s your job to simply gather more information from the experts in your area. Go from researching online to speaking with a bariatric program in person. This is exactly why we created the Bariatric Informational Seminar.

Learn more about the most comprehensive, successful Bariatric Wellness Program in Sacramento and Bay Area. This program is designed specifically for people who are ready to transform their lives through lasting improved health & weight loss. Led by the most experienced bariatric surgeon in Sacramento, Dr. Steve Patching.


Bariatric Informational Seminar

Learn more today! Attend our Informational Bariatric Seminar. The best no pressure way to learn more about bariatric care. Maybe bariatrics is right for you, or maybe it isn’t, either way you won’t find that out online. So, if you are considering bariatric care at all, we encourage you to contact our office to schedule a Bariatric Informational Seminar.

This is an informal, no pressure meeting where we will go over the benefits, myths, and most important factors of great bariatric care. Dr. Steve Patching will be there to answer any questions you have and help you decide if bariatric surgery is right for you. You will be joined by your peers also wanting to learn more about the process. Let us figure this it out together! Give us a call or request an appointment below.

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